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This library allows parsing and composing (aka generating) SOQL queries from Salesforce using JavaScript or Typescript.

The playground is a great place to get familiar with soql-parser-js.

Quick Start

These are the most common functions exported by the library:

parseQueryParse a SOQL query string into a Query data structure.soql: string, config?: ParseQueryConfig
composeQueryTurn a Query object back into a SOQL statement.query: Query, config?: SoqlComposeConfig
isQueryValidReturns true if the query was able to be parsed.soql: string, config?: ParseQueryConfig
formatQueryFormat a SOQL query string.soql: string, config?: FormatOptions

Parse a query

import { parseQuery, Query } from 'soql-parser-js';

const query = parseQuery(`SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Name = 'foo'`);


// Generated Query
// {
// fields: [
// {
// type: 'Field',
// field: 'Id',
// },
// ],
// sObject: 'Account',
// where: {
// left: {
// field: 'Name',
// operator: '=',
// value: "'Foo'",
// literalType: 'STRING',
// },
// },
// }

Compose a query from an object

Composing a query will take a query object and return a soql query.

import { composeQuery, Query } from 'soql-parser-js';

const query = {
fields: [
type: 'Field',
field: 'Id',
sObject: 'Account',
where: {
left: {
field: 'Name',
operator: '=',
value: "'Foo'",
literalType: 'STRING',

const soql = composeQuery(query);


// SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Name = 'foo'

Compose using helper functions

You can use the getField helper function to simplify the field generation. Read the api docs for more information.

import { composeQuery, getField } from 'soql-parser-js';

const soql = composeQuery({
fields: [
sObject: 'EntityParticle',
where: {
left: {
field: 'EntityDefinition.QualifiedApiName',
operator: 'IN',
value: sobjects,
literalType: 'STRING',
operator: 'AND',
right: {
left: {
field: 'QualifiedApiName',
operator: '!=',
value: 'Id',
literalType: 'STRING',
operator: 'AND',
right: {
left: {
field: 'DataType',
operator: 'IN',
value: ['string', 'phone', 'url', 'email'],
literalType: 'STRING',
orderBy: [
field: 'EntityDefinitionId',
{ field: 'Label' },


All contributions are welcome on the project. Please read the contribution guidelines.

Data Models


export type LogicalOperator = 'AND' | 'OR' | 'NOT';
export type Operator = '=' | '!=' | '<=' | '>=' | '>' | '<' | 'LIKE' | 'IN' | 'NOT IN' | 'INCLUDES' | 'EXCLUDES';
export type FieldTypeOfConditionType = 'WHEN' | 'ELSE';
export type GroupSelector = 'ABOVE' | 'AT' | 'BELOW' | 'ABOVE_OR_BELOW';
export type ForClause = 'VIEW' | 'UPDATE' | 'REFERENCE';
export type UpdateClause = 'TRACKING' | 'VIEWSTAT';
export type LiteralType =
| 'NULL'
| 'DATE'
export type FieldType =
| Field
| FieldWithAlias
| FieldFunctionExpression
| FieldRelationship
| FieldRelationshipWithAlias
| FieldSubquery
| FieldTypeOf;
export type OrderByCriterion = 'ASC' | 'DESC';
export type NullsOrder = 'FIRST' | 'LAST';
export type GroupByType = 'CUBE' | 'ROLLUP';
export type DateLiteral =
| 'LAST_90_DAYS'
| 'NEXT_90_DAYS'

export type DateNLiteral =

export interface Field {
type: 'Field';
field: string;
alias?: string;

export interface FieldWithAlias extends Field {
objectPrefix: string;
rawValue: string;

export interface FieldFunctionExpression {
type: 'FieldFunctionExpression';
functionName: string;
parameters: (string | FieldFunctionExpression)[];
alias?: string;
isAggregateFn?: boolean; // not required for compose, will be populated if SOQL is parsed
rawValue?: string; // not required for compose, will be populated if SOQL is parsed

export interface FieldRelationship {
type: 'FieldRelationship';
field: string;
relationships: string[];
rawValue?: string; // not required for compose, will be populated if SOQL is parsed with the raw value of the entire field

export interface FieldRelationshipWithAlias extends FieldRelationship {
objectPrefix: string;
alias: string;

export interface FieldSubquery {
type: 'FieldSubquery';
subquery: Subquery;

export interface FieldTypeOf {
type: 'FieldTypeof';
field: string;
conditions: FieldTypeOfCondition[];

export interface FieldTypeOfCondition {
type: FieldTypeOfConditionType;
objectType?: string; // not present when ELSE
fieldList: string[];

export interface QueryBase {
fields?: FieldType[];
sObjectAlias?: string;
usingScope?: string;
where?: WhereClause;
limit?: number;
offset?: number;
groupBy?: GroupByClause;
orderBy?: OrderByClause | OrderByClause[];
withDataCategory?: WithDataCategoryClause;
withSecurityEnforced?: boolean;
withAccessLevel?: boolean;
for?: ForClause;
update?: UpdateClause;

export interface Query extends QueryBase {
sObject?: string;

export interface Subquery extends QueryBase {
relationshipName: string;
sObjectPrefix?: string[];

export type WhereClause = WhereClauseWithoutOperator | WhereClauseWithRightCondition;

export interface WhereClauseWithoutOperator {
left: ConditionWithValueQuery;

export interface WhereClauseWithRightCondition extends WhereClauseWithoutOperator {
operator: LogicalOperator;
right: WhereClause;

export type Condition =
| ValueCondition
| ValueWithDateLiteralCondition
| ValueWithDateNLiteralCondition
| ValueFunctionCondition
| NegationCondition;

export type ConditionWithValueQuery = Condition | ValueQueryCondition;

export interface OptionalParentheses {
openParen?: number;
closeParen?: number;

export interface ValueCondition extends OptionalParentheses {
field: string;
operator: Operator;
value: string | string[];
literalType?: LiteralType | LiteralType[];

export interface ValueWithDateLiteralCondition extends OptionalParentheses {
field: string;
operator: Operator;
value: DateLiteral | DateLiteral[];
literalType?: 'DATE_LITERAL' | 'DATE_LITERAL'[];

export interface ValueWithDateNLiteralCondition extends OptionalParentheses {
field: string;
operator: Operator;
value: string | string[];
literalType?: 'DATE_N_LITERAL' | 'DATE_N_LITERAL'[];
dateLiteralVariable: number | number[];

export interface ValueQueryCondition extends OptionalParentheses {
field: string;
operator: Operator;
valueQuery: Query;

export interface ValueFunctionCondition extends OptionalParentheses {
fn: FunctionExp;
operator: Operator;
value: string | string[];
literalType?: LiteralType | LiteralType[];

export interface NegationCondition {
openParen: number;

export type OrderByClause = OrderByFieldClause | OrderByFnClause;

export interface OrderByOptionalFieldsClause {
order?: OrderByCriterion;
nulls?: NullsOrder;

export interface OrderByFieldClause extends OrderByOptionalFieldsClause {
field: string;

export interface OrderByFnClause extends OrderByOptionalFieldsClause {
fn: FunctionExp;

export type GroupByClause = GroupByFieldClause | GroupByFnClause;

export interface GroupByOptionalFieldsClause {
having?: HavingClause;

export interface GroupByFieldClause extends GroupByOptionalFieldsClause {
field: string | string[];

export interface GroupByFnClause extends GroupByOptionalFieldsClause {
fn: FunctionExp;

export type HavingClause = HavingClauseWithoutOperator | HavingClauseWithRightCondition;

export interface HavingClauseWithoutOperator {
left: Condition;

export interface HavingClauseWithRightCondition extends HavingClauseWithoutOperator {
operator: LogicalOperator;
right: HavingClause;

export interface FunctionExp {
rawValue?: string; // only used for compose fields if useRawValueForFn=true. Should be formatted like this: Count(Id)
functionName?: string; // only used for compose fields if useRawValueForFn=false, will be populated if SOQL is parsed
alias?: string;
parameters?: (string | FunctionExp)[]; // only used for compose fields if useRawValueForFn=false, will be populated if SOQL is parsed
isAggregateFn?: boolean; // not used for compose, will be populated if SOQL is parsed

export interface WithDataCategoryClause {
conditions: WithDataCategoryCondition[];

export interface WithDataCategoryCondition {
groupName: string;
selector: GroupSelector;
parameters: string[];